Im not the same person:
Bus driver
Charles Dixon says attack left him disabled, insecure
Ian Austin, Vancouver Province, Nov. 30, 2011
Del Louie attends a sentencing hearing Tuesday
at B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver.
Photo: Gerry Kahrmann, PNG.
Bus driver Charles Dixon broke down repeatedly Tuesday as he told how his life was ruined by a sucker-punch from 21-year-old Del Louie.
Dixon, 55, sobbed as he told B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver of his fears for the future of his family as he deals with constant headaches, ongoing operations and the extreme psychological damage stemming from the unprovoked Feb. 15 assault.
I am frightened about the future I have fears I never had before, said Dixon, tears welling up as he spoke. I am not the same person I was before this.
Court was told that Louie entered Dixons bus parked at the Edmonds Bus Loop in Burnaby by the back doors, and Dixon told him repeatedly to get in line and enter by the front door.
Instead, Louie came up behind Dixon sitting in the drivers seat and sucker-punched him from behind, breaking an orbital bone in two places, which effectively pre-vents Dixon from driving again.
Dixon is scheduled to undergo a third operation after a difficult recovery from earlier surgery to insert a plate and screws and repair his dam-aged right eye.
I am afraid of becoming a burden to my family, said a trembling Dix-on, stopping to compose himself.
I am insecure about my familys financial future.
This is a permanent disability. Dixons son Aaron, who used to love riding along when his dad was driving the bus, also addressed the court to tell how the assault had changed his life.
Aaron was on board his fathers bus that fateful day, and chased after Louie after the assault.
Louie clubbed Aaron with a four-foot piece of wood resembling a broom handle.
I often get flashbacks of the event when Im riding the bus, said Aaron, 24. I used to greet the passengers.
If I ever get to ride the bus with my dad again, I will be forced to feel like his bodyguard.
Louie pleaded guilty to assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon in the twin assaults on the Dixons, father and son.
Prosecutor Louise Gauld, asking for Louie to be jailed for nine to 12 months followed by two years of probation, talked of the extreme psychological impact of the assault on Dixon and proceeded to lay out a number of other related incidents.
It should not involve conditional sentences, said Gauld. It should be a real jail sentence.
He needs a deterrent that only a jail term can bring.
The public needs to be deterred from violent attacks on vulnerable people like a bus driver.
In 2009 Louie spat in the face of a female bus driver and was convicted of assault. He has broken his bail conditions three times since the February assaults, court heard.
In one of those incidents Louie spat in the face of a police officer and a paramedic. The sentencing hearing resumes on Dec. 16.
Cowardly but lucky punk Del Louie got off with probation and community service.
A racist justice system protects cowardly punk Del Louie.
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